Monday, October 25, 2010

Public Relations

1: The purpose is to promote natural beauty amongst women, not artificial make up, plastic surgery beauty. 
2: Because being beautiful is such a big part of today's society.  It's refreshing to see commercials advertising natural beauty instead of artificial beauty.
3: I think it is worthy because one, it could probably help sell Dove products because they stand for something positive.  And two, the population will think that they will stand up to big businesses that promote artificial beauty.

1: They had a hard time stopping the leak, which isn't necessarily their fault, but it only helped expose the fact they were relatively bad at stopping oil leaks. 
2: Tony what's his face (The CEO) could've watched him comments and thought before he spoke.
3: When asked about the 11 people that were killed in the explosion, he said something like, "i want my life back" or something, which is a little heartless.  It's never a bad idea to speak your mind, but on national TV you should probably hold back, especially when you're under scrutiny.  

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